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daily log/to be professional

"You've Got This: Communication and Learning."

by 올쓰 2020. 9. 16.



We need to leverage on what we were able to do pre-COVID and improve communication

- while the tools we use may or may not be the same, the way in which we use them can be more effective, if we draw on what we know

Leveraging what we Already Know is important

- yes, almost all of our work is being done remotely, new level of creativity and adaptability is required and we can use various tools more effectively

BEST Communication (Bestinstruments.net)

1. BOLD communicators - like to see the big-picture, action oriented, quick to the point may not be best in situations with many details

2. EXPRESSIVE communicators - value connection, often diplomats, form deep relationships they may be perceived as too 'touchy-feely'

3. SYMPATHETIC communicators - prefer calmness, timelines, good listners, process-oriented sometimes slow to act

4. TECHNICAL communicators - like numbers, facts and specific information logical and may sometimes be seen as cold 


Managing remote relationships - Karen Dillon (2013)

- talk openly about the challenges

- error on the side of over communicating - the right things

- remember time zones

- use technology effectively 






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